Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2009 OCW Conference - Part 2

Part of the reason I usually love the Ozark Creative Writers' Conference is the scenery. Eureka Springs sits high in the Ozark Mountains, and the sky is always a deep blue. It makes me feel like I am closer to heaven.

However, this year it was cloudy and rainy and dreary most of the conference. It has been raining nearly everyday for weeks now. If I liked constantly cloudy weather, I would have moved to Jersey when I had the chance a few years back. Most people prefer sunny weather, and I think the weather set the tone for the conference this year.

By no means was it a bad conference. It simply lacked the spirit of inspiration that I've felt at other conferences. There is a certain feeling that writers get when they connect with another writer and excitedly share their creations. That's the same feeling a good speaker can inspire.

I am glad I attended the conference. I had the opportunity to speak with an editor from Tor, and I saw a fellow-writer who I have not seen in several years. I also won an honorable mention for one of my poems! I also learned a valuable phrase from a fellow-writer at the conference, "Instead of asking why, ask why not?"


  1. Congrats on your win!

    I am from the ozarks, southern Missouri, and Eurkea Springs happens to be one of my favorite little places. It's just so unique.

    Glad you got to attend the conference. It's great to be around other writers.

  2. Thanks!

    I love Eureka Springs. I need to go there sometime for a vacation. Every time I've been there, I spend all of my time in writing workshops, but it is always so beautiful up there. Have you ever made it down to the Eureka Springs writers conference in October? I've been the past several years. Maybe we saw each other and didn't know it! :-)
